Polar research

Scientific animation and exchanges around polar research are organized by Dr. Camille Lique. Monthly meetings are good opportunites to review the litterature, present ongoing work by LOPS members and members of neigboring labs, and keep informed about polar activites. LOPS research is mostly done in the "Ocean & Climate" and "Satellites and Air-Sea interactions" teams. These cover:

  • circulation and water masses in the Arctic, and their link with the sea ice cover
  • satellite remote sensing measurement in the presence of ice: estimates of icebergs and sea ice properties, measurement of waves under sea ice...
  • the interaction of waves, sea ice and turbulence ...

The image below is not quite polar (coming from the St Lawrence estuary) but it illustrates processes that are typical of polar seas with the formation of sea ice and break-up into floes due to wave motion.