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Satellite altimeters have been monitoring the oceans routinely since the launch of ERS-1, in 1991. A new study by Marine De Carlo and Fabrice Ardhuin reveals that we misunderstood the small scale variations in measurements of sea level and wave height . This has implications for our knowledge of wave heights in extreme storms, and small scale variations in sea level.

Le groupe de recherche sur les vagues et leurs interactions se réunit à Cargèse pour une école de printemps. Cette année on peut noter le rôle déterminant des nouvelles méthodes d'observation, en particulier le satellite SWOT, les mini-bouées autonomes ou les techniques de mesure à partir d'imagerie vidéo.


Published on 30 september 2022

HARMONY has been selected by the European Space Agency as its 10th Earth Explorer mission: it will involve 2 satellite companions to Sentinel 1, observing ice, land and oceans with radar an optical imagery, for a launch planned in 2029.

Chaires de Professeur Junior CNRS

Published on 20 february

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