ocean wave model WAVEWATCH III

The WAVEWATCH III software is developed by an international team around NOAA/NCEP. This code computes the evolution of waves in space and time and has been applied at all scales from the global ocean to the beach. The source code is distributed on GitHub by NOAA/NCEP  . The latest public version (number 6.07) contains all the developments made at  Ifremer and SHOM as part of research projects ECORS, PROTEVS and IOWAGA. The new features include advanced wave-ice interaction parameterizations, implicit solver for coastal areas ...

WAVEWATCH III is used for weather forecasting by most operational agencies around the world (NOAA/NCEP, Environnement Canada, Meteo-France for the coastal applications, the Australian Weather Bureau ... ) we also use it in the MARC forecasting system  for French coastal areas (including some overseas regions). MARC is a demonstraton of what can be done, please do not use it for safety-sensitive applications.

We at Laboratoire de Physique des Océans play a coordination role for French teams using WW3, and have been training users coming from around the world  ( go  here for tutorials and teaching material).