
New understanding of altimeter data: doughnuts and humps

Published on 7 july

Satellite altimeters have been monitoring the oceans routinely since the launch of ERS-1, in 1991. A new study by Marine De Carlo and Fabrice Ardhuin reveals that we misunderstood the small scale variations in measurements of sea level and wave height . This has implications for our knowledge of wave heights in extreme storms, and small scale variations in sea level.

Chaires de Professeur Junior CNRS

Published on 20 february

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Prix 2023 de l'Académie des Sciences

Published on 13 november 2023

Fabrice Ardhuin a reçu le "prix des sciences de la mer - Ifremer" et Damien Desbruyères a reçu le "prix Christian Le Provost"


Published on 30 september 2022

HARMONY has been selected by the European Space Agency as its 10th Earth Explorer mission: it will involve 2 satellite companions to Sentinel 1, observing ice, land and oceans with radar an optical imagery, for a launch planned in 2029.

Camille Lique reçoit le prix Christian Le Provost 2021

Published on 26 november 2021

Camille Lique reçoit le prix Christian Le Provost 2021 à l'Académie des Sciences:

C'est à la minute 41:20 de la re-transmission:

Le changement climatique dans l'océan profond raconté par Virginie Thierry

Published on 25 october 2021

Lancement de l'initiative One Ocean Science, où des scientifiques du monde entier expliquent pourquoi les sciences océaniques comptent. Virginie Thierry y parle notamment de l'observation de l'océan profond.

BlueCloud indicators workflow

Applying machine learning methods to ocean patterns and ocean regimes indicators

Published on 21 may 2021

The global challenges that humankind is called to face highlight the need for establishing innovative algorithms and technologies to enable the transition from data to knowledge, and foster the consolidation of a science-informed decision-making process. 

For a successful implementation of this value chain, the development of science-based algorithms clearly represents a crucial phase. We will analyse the latest updates on the application of machine learning methods to ocean patterns and the ocean regimes indicators in the context of Blue-Cloud.

Campagne SUMOS: l'Atalante a rendez-vous avec le satellite CFOSAT

Published on 12 february 2021

Le navire de recherche L'Atalante a appareillé de Brest ce jeudi 11 février pour un mois de mesure des vagues dans le golfe de Gascogne, avec plusieurs rendez-vous avec CFOSAT, sous la direction de Peter Sutherland du LOPS.

The H2020 project JERICO-S3 successful for funding at the EC level

Published on 11 february 2020

The series of EU-funded JERICO projects is about to start a third edition with the JERICO-S3 project. It follows JERICO-FP7 (2011-2014) and JERICO-NEXT (2015-2019). JERICO stands for Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories. The RI is coordinated by Ifremer since its start in 2011 and aims at improving collaboration and harmonisation between coastal observatories in Europe. After 8 years of project, its objective is to build a pan European sustainable Research Infrastructure: the JERICO-RI.

Sea State CCI version 1.0

Published on 22 july 2019

LOPS leads the production of the new reference dataset for the study of ocean wave climate with version 1.0 of the ESA Sea State Climate Change Initiative, allowing unprecedented studies of ocean waves across the global ocean

Préparation de BicWin 2019: en campagne dans le blizzard ...

Published on 11 march 2019

Comprendre l'effet des vagues sur la glace de mer: c'est l'objectif du projet ERC WAAXT et de cette première campagne de préparation ...

Les vagues et le système terre: école de printemps à Cargèse

Published on 15 april

Le groupe de recherche sur les vagues et leurs interactions se réunit à Cargèse pour une école de printemps. Cette année on peut noter le rôle déterminant des nouvelles méthodes d'observation, en particulier le satellite SWOT, les mini-bouées autonomes ou les techniques de mesure à partir d'imagerie vidéo.

Launch of the SWOT satellite

Published on 16 december 2022

The "Surface Water Ocean Topography" space mission is the result of a long collaboration between NASA and CNES. Many LOPS researchers and engineers have contributed to define the performance of the revolutionary KaRIN instrument that will allow to measure the sea level with much more details. The launch went off without a hitch at 12:46 on December 16, 2022


Published on 19 april 2022

La campagne océanographique RESILIENCE aura lieu dans l’océan Indien du 19 avril au 24 mai 2022 à bord du Marion Dufresne, navire de la Flotte Océanographique Française, opérée par l’Ifremer. Une cinquantaine de scientifiques internationaux, menée par Jean-François Ternon, chercheur IRD à l’UMR MARBEC (MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation), embarqueront depuis l’île de la Réunion pour étudier les interactions entre la physique et la biologie à « petite échelle » (~10km). Les scientifiques se rendront  sur les zones de front en bordure de tourbillons dans le Canal du Mozambique et sur la côte est de l’Afrique du Sud.

logo hceres

Le rapport d'évaluation du HCERES sur le LOPS est paru

Published on 29 october 2021

Le LOPS porte un savoir-faire exceptionnel sur l'océanographie, à la fois en matière de méthodes (observations, outils numériques, etc.) et de savoirs fondamentaux.

From ocean waves to the stratosphere with infrasound: Marine De Carlo PhD work

Published on 15 december 2020

Using infrasound for the detection of explosions, sounding the stratosphere or measuring ocean waves first requires a better understanding of how waves make infrasound. Marine De Carlo took up that challenge less than 3 years ago. Viva is broadcast live (in French) ar 4PM,15/12/2020 on

Global ocean freshening, ocean mass increase and global mean sea level rise over 2005–2015

Published on 5 december 2019

Global mean sea level rise is an important indicator and direct consequence of global warming. This rise has increased continuously since the early 20th century, due to two factors: (1) thermal expansion of ocean waters as they have warmed and (2) the addition of an increasing amount of freshwater from ice sheets, glaciers and rivers (i.e. increased “ocean mass“). Various ‘direct’ measurements of sea level rise have become possible during the last ~30 years (the satellite era), however methods that measure ocean mass are the least certain and reveal disagreements when combined. In this study, we investigated the global ocean salt budget as an alternative approach for estimating changes in ocean mass. In other words, we used the observed ‘freshening’ of t he global oceans to infer the mass change that must have occurred in order to produce it. The global network of Argo floats provides an unprecedented global record of salinity and temperature measurements for the upper 2000 meters of the oceans. We used all available Argo data – combined with high quality hydrographic measurements from World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) hydrographic program and the Global Ocean Ship-Based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) – to estimate an ocean mass trend for 2005-2015 of 1.30 ± 1.13 mm per year. This trend has been corrected to exclude melt from floating sea ice, which does not affect sea level. Adding in measurements of salinity changes in the deep ocean (>2000m depth) increases our estimate of ocean mass trend for 2005-2015 to 1.55 ± 1.20 mm per year. Our new ocean mass trends are smaller than some previous direct estimates, though not statistically different given the large uncertainties involved. More investigations are needed to reduce these uncertainties. Specifically, the Argo network of salinity and temperature measurements are not equally distributed around the globe, and the current generation of Argo floats do not operate below 2000m depth. New hydrographic missions and observing systems are needed to continuously sample the temperature and salinity changes for the deep ocean, the high latitude regions and some coastal areas.

Futur satellite SKIM: bientôt la sélection

Published on 8 may 2019

L'Agence Spatiale Européenne annoncera en septembre la sélection pour le 9ème Earth Explorer: SKIM ou FORUM. Toutes les études sur SKIM, et en particulier l'analyse de la campagne DRIFT4SKIM sont en cours de finalisation.